Why Pistachio Mandarin?


Located in the Heart of Auckland

Our classrooms are at Kohia Terrace School, Epsom, Auckland, and online classes across New Zealand.


Own Teaching Curriculum

We have our own teaching structure that relates to our daily lives and practical topics, with fun and engaging activities.


You'll be engaged

Interactive quiz, game-based lessons make learning fun and easy!

Established for Over 4 Years

We have been teaching Mandarin in New Zealand for more than 4 years.


Experienced Chinese Tutors

We have a team of Chinese tutors who are creative and energetic.

Pistachio Mandarin Language Centre

Pistachio Mandarin Language Centre is committed to making learning Chinese fun and motivating for Kiwi kids and adult learners. Courses are designed for second language learners with a focus on teaching students to communicate and engage with the language and culture using New Zealand teaching methodology. Lessons are fun and motivating for the students and use authentic content that is relevant to everyday life.  ​

We have a young dynamic team of tutors who are passionate about teaching Chinese. Our team works together regularly to create interactive and meaningful resources and are guided by a mentor. They prepare lesson plans and design activities in accordance with our teaching structure.

We use a variety of interactive tools and non-linguistic methods like YouTube videos, games, quizzes and role-play that help our students learn in a fun and highly engaging way. 

chinese lessons auckland


Our Team

Rachael (Tutor)

Question 1: What do you like the most about teaching Mandarin?

I like teaching Mandarin because it is one of the most beautiful languages in the world.

By teaching Mandarin I’m not only teaching the students a new language but opening a door for them to see the wider world. Both the students and I can open our horizons and recognize cultural awareness with multiple ways of thinking. Not only am I teaching the Mandarin Chinese language, but it also opens the door for my students to see the wider world. My students and I can build a broader horizon to recognise cultural awareness in multiple ways.

Also by teaching students to speak Mandarin with practicality and understanding the word insight into the history and therefore forming a way to spread the beliefs of the Chinese culture and raise the awareness of Mandarin. I will also impart my knowledge to help my students to use the language in a practical way that relates to their daily lives. I will provide them with an insight into the history and therefore form a way to spread the beliefs of the Chinese culture.

Question 2: What is your favourite Chinese word or proverb and why?

My favourite proverb is ‘靡不有初,鲜克有终’ – mǐ bù yǒu chū,xiǎn kè yǒu zhōng.

This proverb means that almost everything has a start, but not many things have a good end, so it is a statement to say don’t start something that you can’t finish but finish everything you do with a good ending. 

We always start with a vision of something good and insist that it will last forever, but maintaining our original intention is more difficult than we think. This proverb always reminds me to keep looking forward and do my best to achieve the best possible outcome.

Question 3: What is your favourite thing about Pistachio Mandarin?

My favourite thing about Pistachio Mandarin is that it had helped me understand more about teaching, through training and supervision, I am now more comfortable at delivering my teaching to our students. I also like our company culture, it is easy for me to blend in with the rest of the staff. Our teaching structure is clear and neat for us to handle and work with, we have plenty of resources to use and receive a lot of help from experienced teachers.

Nancy (Tutor)

1. What do you like the most about teaching Mandarin?

The experience of teaching is my favourite part, I really enjoy sharing knowledge with my students and engaging with them. I also enjoy sharing the culture of my home country with people. The most important goal when teaching my students is the happiness that comes from helping people to clearly and absolutely understand something.

2. What is your favourite Chinese word or proverb and why?

My favourite Chinese word is “勇” (Yǒng). It stands for braveness and no fear of challenge. There are a lot of challenges and difficulties in our life and when we meet them, we must be brave and face them. Another meaning of this character is to take responsibility. As an adult, we need to take responsibility for all the things we have done. “勇” (Yǒng) is a reminder for me to be a brave and responsible person.

3. What is your favourite thing about Pistachio Mandarin?

My favourite thing about Pistachio Mandarin is that all the people here are really lovely. The students here are willing to learn new knowledge and here are all willing to help others and are really careful at the teaching content to make sure every student can get the best learning experience.


Andrea (Tutor/Admin)

Question 1: What do you like the most about teaching Mandarin?

The thing I like the most about teaching Mandarin is allowing students to learn something new and seeing their progress as they improve over time. With the interactive activities and teaching methods we use at Pistachio, it is really rewarding to see the students learn in a fun and engaging manner.

Question 2: What is your favourite Chinese word or proverb and why?

My favourite Chinese word is 加油 (jiā yóu), which is a phrase used for encouragement. It literally means to “add oil”, and to keep going. I love using this phrase as it is both fun and motivating. 

Question 3: What is your favourite thing about Pistachio Mandarin?

My favourite thing about working with Pistachio Mandarin is learning how the staff builds relationships with the students, with a customer-centric focus. Pistachio has provided me with many learning opportunities through teaching, resource planning and digital marketing. I really enjoy the supportive work culture that Yatchun has provided.

Teaching Philosophy

Our aim is to immerse our students in a Mandarin speaking environment as much as possible, to give them the opportunities to use the language and interact and connect with others.  

As our learning centre evolves, we would like to see our students grow and to equip them with a practical skill which is highly useful in this global workforce and life.

Free Trial for Group Lessons

Come in for a free trial lesson for our group classes, and see why our Auckland based Chinese Mandarin lessons are the most fun and engaging. Our courses align to the New Zealand curriculum and use current teaching methods and up to date resources. Our native speaking teachers are passionate and experienced in teaching Kiwi students.​​

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