We celebrated Easter at our Saturday classes at Kohia Terrace School on 27/3/21. Our teachers were introducing the Easter greetings in their lessons. Here is a video shown on how to speak in Easter themes;



There is a slide to summarise a few key phrases of Easter. Together with the video, students were asked to indicate the tones on the pinyin phrases. 


How to talk about Easter in Chinese

Please try to put tones:


复活节兔子(fu huo jie tu zi)Easter bunny

复活节快乐 (fu huo jie kuai le)Happy Easter

巧克力兔子    (qiao ke li tu zi)   Chocolate bunny


With our younger students, pictures of Easter bunny and Easter eggs were taught with a link. 


After the lessons, the students were given an Easter Bunny each but they have to say the greetings of fù huó jiē kuài lè (Happy Easter) and qiǎo kè lì tù zi (rabbit chocolate). The students really enjoyed the lessons and the gifts. Teachers were happy celebrating Easter with the students.