All of our students start off as non-Mandarin speakers and have different reasons for wanting to learn the language.
Some of our students learn Mandarin for work or for school, whilst others learn so they can converse with family and friends in the language.
Lots of students also want to converse in Mandarin when dining out at Chinese restaurants or visiting Asian supermarkets.
Some students are wanting to go traveling to China when the border is opened so they’re looking forward to being able to converse in Chinese whilst they’re there.
Not only is learning another language good socially; it’s also been proven it’s good for the brain too. But how?
Keeping the Brain Fit and Healthy
We’ve all heard the saying “if you rest, you rust” and whilst that relates to our physical bodies the same can be said for our brains too.
Our brain needs activity and stimulation to keep it fit and healthy and learning another language is not only stimulating, it’s lots of fun.
You also meet lots of like-minded people who are keen to speak and communicate in another language and at Pistachio Mandarin Language Centre, you learn about a whole new world full of rich history and an incredible culture.
Feel A Sense of Accomplishment
Learning another language like Mandarin, gives you a sense of accomplishment which rewards you with a hit of dopamine – your achievement hormone.
The higher your dopamine the higher your alertness, creativity, long term memory, concentration and focus. This has the overall effect of having improved cognitive function.
Children who learn Mandarin at Pistachio Mandarin Language Centre receive a lot of praise and recognition when they do well and we have special certificates and prizes for all sorts of milestones.
The children love it and we all feel a sense of pride when we hit our goals.
Our adults feel a huge sense of accomplishment when they can confidently communicate with their workmates, business colleagues, friends or family and it bridges the gap too.
Our dopamine is off the charts here!
A Whole New World
The payoff for learning another language also lies with the intangibles like experiencing a whole new world that you didn’t know existed.
Learning Mandarin for example, you’re exposed to a different culture, a rich history, storytelling, festivals and celebrations that take you on an exciting journey. We’re all missing travel at the moment so why not take the time to learn a new language and about a different culture and when the borders open up, you’ll be able to converse with the locals (and feel pretty proud of yourself too)
Would you like to find out more about learning Mandarin? Get in touch today.