Wow, what a great year! Term 4 2019 is now finished, Christmas is over and the New Year is just around the corner! To acknowledge the contribution from our students and staff throughout this year, Pistachio Mandarin decided to celebrate the last class on the 14th December, with all our tutors, students and parents.

There were fun games and activities, including an exciting Christmas story told by our tutors Sylvia and Shirley lǎo shī (linked here) and the 小兔子 xiǎo tù zǐ (little rabbit) video was role played by our students (linked here). The small xiǎo tùzǐ knew not to open the door for the 狼 láng (wolf). They knew to open the door for their mummy. This time round, instead of the 妈妈兔子 mā mā tù zǐ (mummy rabbit) coming home, it was the 圣诞老人 shèng dàn lǎo rén (Santa Clause) who rang the bell with a bag of goodies. The children were so happy to open the door for Santa Claus.

One of our adult students, Dorin, graciously agreed to dress up as Santa Claus. The kids all gathered around Santa, and he said in Mandarin:
“我有礼物送给你” wǒ yǒu lǐ wù sòng gěi nǐ (I have presents for you). As each kid received their presents, they wished Santa a Merry Christmas; “祝你圣诞节快乐 zhù nǐ shèngdàn jié kuài lè”.

Thereafter there was a shared morning tea where parents, students and teachers all got together to network and to enjoy the food.

Thank you to all the students, parents, teachers who have helped made this year an awesome one. We are looking forward to another great year in 2020. Pictures and a video are attached below. Merry Christmas everyone, and have a Happy New Year!